石門返照掛軸 | The Reflection at Stone Gate Hanging Scroll | Signed One-of-a-Kind Hew Lam Studio Original Calligraphy

Sale Price:$75.00 Original Price:$88.00
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Calligraphy of an original poem executed on a traditional Chinese silk hanging scroll. Comes with a Hew Lam Studio Certificate of Authenticity and a link to an exclusive gallery page with more detailed photographs and background on the piece.

Dimensions: 11"x29"(28cm x 74cm)

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Calligraphy of an original poem executed on a traditional Chinese silk hanging scroll. Comes with a Hew Lam Studio Certificate of Authenticity and a link to an exclusive gallery page with more detailed photographs and background on the piece.

Dimensions: 11"x29"(28cm x 74cm)

Calligraphy of an original poem executed on a traditional Chinese silk hanging scroll. Comes with a Hew Lam Studio Certificate of Authenticity and a link to an exclusive gallery page with more detailed photographs and background on the piece.

Dimensions: 11"x29"(28cm x 74cm)

形容 | Physical Description and Care


Mounted on a hanging scroll with an embroidered ruddy silk border; written on half-ripe mulberry paper with pine soot blue ground ink in mixed running/grass script; seal impressions made with Xiling Seal Art Society Babao (Eight Treasures) paste incorporated with 24kt gold leaf. Four seal impressions reading from top right counterclockwise: ‘Return to Thought’ in Small Seal script, ‘Bright Truth’ in Small Seal script, ‘The one that endures trials is blessed, they surely will receive the crown of life’ in Nine-fold Seal script, and ‘Hew Lam (Mist of Dawn) Studio’ in Small Seal script. A red octagonal Komatsubara Holdings stamp on scroll reverse, and a red wax seal of the burgher arms of Cyrus Lai attaching this document to the scroll on reverse. Hanging scrolls are usually displayed for a season and put away until the next.

底細 | Background

寫於公曆二〇二二年九月二十日,桉樹樹蔭下憂鬱的一天。這是一首宋代式的詞; 一種風格設置為各種預設歌曲叫詞牌,旋律早已丟失,但與歌曲的音韻結構的定式仍然存在。粵語雙連詞形容詞和句法創新古典形式,而且粵語角度考慮韻類。回首往事,想像那片碧波蕩漾的太平洋,我想起了我過去的輝煌,以及作為一個移民兒子在兩種文化之間被俘虜的感覺。行書與草書混雜的書法體現了這種不確定性,順應田野的邊緣,略帶猶豫,紅色方形印章佔據負空間,體現了信仰、家庭和遺產的錨點。 我的旅程。右上方的圓形印章喚起了海洋上空的太陽,雕刻的「歸想」字樣將目光拉回到詞的開頭。

Written on a melancholy day under the shade of eucalyptus trees the 20th of September 2022. A Song Dynasty style Ci-poem; a genre set to various preset songs to which the melodies have long been lost, however the tone pattern and rhyme schemes associated with the songs still remain. Innovating on the classical form by using Cantonese doublet adjectives and phrasing, along with considering rhyme categories from the Cantonese point of view. Looking back and imagining the watery Pacific expanse, I think of the past glories of my heritage as well as the feeling of being captured between two cultures as an immigrant son. The mixed running script and grass script styles of the calligraphy reflect this uncertainty, conforming to the edges of the field with a certain hesitation, with the square red seals taking up negative space in a way that reflects the anchors of faith, family, and heritage in my journey. The round seal in the top right evokes the sun above the ocean, with the engraved words ‘Return to Thought’ pulling the eye to return to the beginning of the poem.

文義 | Literary Content

八歸 石門返照 壬寅年八月廿五









文義翻譯 | Translation of Literary Content












(Original Song Dynasty Style Poem)

To the tune of the Eight Returns | The Reflection at Stone Gate | September 20, 2022

By: Bright Truth Mr. Lai

The deep green pines are voluminous,

what words are aloft in the shadows?

the low rustling voices have no meaning.

Overlooking deep water thinking of daybreak’s glory, what is the significance?

Loudly sing two or three songs to reply,

mutual sympathy for empty aspirations.

The bird does not see the deep words under the roots,


how can one become friends?

Vast and lonely mist,

the hilltop-aura peeks upon the forests,

filled to the brim with floating matters.

Beholding the appearance of the Eight Sights of Guangzhou,

a troubled heart reminisces,

the reflection’s lovesickness has a drawn out end.

Dead silence at night,

torrential rains at day,

once one drinks a concentrated cup, they delight in standing aloft.

The red skies look back,

the transitory rosy clouds sink recollections and float revelations.

Blue-green pagoda towers,

the treetops face above,

the violent winds blow in vain,

at the edge of the sky, this luxuriant expanse.