A Letter Between Poets


A letter in the Chinese epistolary style written to a friend about the first poem in Mirror Heart, my newly published collection of original Chinese poetry and calligraphy.

Iroshizuku Fuyu-gaki ink with Waterman fountain pen



















Both Japanese and Multilingual editions are perfect for a day of shogi and reflection



在我的夢裡,我爬上了陽光普照的平台,那升起的太陽在扶胥的浴日亭之上。 望著月亮在不眠的夜裡想著您,渴望著你的容顏。 縱使蒼穹照逝去的青春,我對您的情誼永存。 願您洗去遠行的塵埃,好把尊嚴看得如鏡花水月。 我非常遺憾不能去拜訪您,我親愛的朋友。 縱然相隔一千里,您仍視我如親骨肉,我感激不盡。 在這梅月的酷暑裡,蟬因香氣撲鼻而棲息在桂花的枝葉上,斜斜的午後陽光也指向您的芳鄰。 在夏日湛藍的天空襯托下,臨安的白桑樹越發艷麗。 雖我在嶺南,我們都在立夏,陋室邊有木棉。 樹木如故都的桑葚,我懇切祈願護送您去。 目前,我正在等待來信,以聽到您的喜訊。

恭祝您萬財如命。 我相信您對日常生活感到滿意,您對自己感到快樂和滿意。 老天保佑您,願您無災無難。 雖然文字不能完全表達我想說的話,但因為我沒有註意您的健康,所以我懷著羞愧的心情,敢恭敬地問候您的健康。 懷念從前在官邸懷念舊情,同心同德。 對於那個地方,我無限的感激永遠銘刻在記憶中,而且這一年我過得很好,多虧了您的幫助。







浮生不長,奮鬥如風吹塵。 自然法則成為遠景的光輝,晨曦成為長影,高木成為濃波,蘭花和檀香都飄散了。 與其說是多麼可憐,不如說是比起一具永遠躺著的屍體,那急速湧上來的香氣,卻是潔白如玉。 一息浮雲,何其可愛,何其燦爛,何其短暫的! 請批判地審視我的粗俗用語,我熱切地等待你給我一個回應。

九秋未見,淚落衣裳,芒種來時去南頭; 無忠人的路漫漫其修遠兮。 我的好朋友,因為我不能和您一起欣賞臨安的風景,我們之間的距離增加了我的痛苦。 儘管如此,我還是祝愿你在詩歌中快樂,身體健康。 寫下這幾句是為了讓我們的精神友誼相連,請原諒我的錯誤。


Auspicious Letter

A sunrise reply to Mr. No-one of Lin’an

from Brother Wenxuan of Ram City

20th year of Kangjin Era, 223rd year of Hua, the summer of Guimao, month of Dingsi, day of Bingzi

Recently arrived letter

To my old friend, may peace be upon you.

In my dream I climbed the sunlit terrace, that rising sun above Yuri pavilion. While facing the moon in the sleepless nights thinking of you, I longed eagerly for your countenance. Even if the august heavens bear thoughts of vanished youth, my feelings of amity for you are eternal. I bid you wash off the dust from your long journey, so you may look upon your dignity as a mirror’s lustre. I bitterly regret not being able to visit you, my loving friend. Despite being as a thousand li away from you, I am grateful for you treating me as your own flesh and blood. In this plum month’s summer-heat, because of the sweet smell, the cicadas perch on sprays of osmanthus blossoms, and the slanting afternoon sun points to your fragrant neighbourhood as well. Against the summer air’s clear blue sky, the white mulberry trees of Lin’an are more beautiful when they are more bright. Even if I am in Lingnan, still we both are in the beginning of summer, during which the red flowering cotton trees are beside my humble abode. The trees being like the mulberries of the former capital, it is my earnest prayer to escort you thither. At present, I await for the coming letter, in order to hear your glad tidings.

I humbly wish you ten thousand fortunes. I trust you are content with daily life, and you are happy and pleased with yourself. God’s blessings upon you, may you live without disaster. Though writing cannot fully express what I wish to say, nevertheless because I have failed to pay attention to your health, embracing shame I dare to respectfully inquire after your well-being. I am nostalgic for the past times at your official residence remembering old feelings of friendship, together sharing the same views. For that place, my boundless gratitude is engraved forever in memory, moreover this year I am very well thanks to your help.

Your warm feelings have deepened over the years, whereas I wandered among gloomy clouds. In viewing the mountains and rivers, the more aggrieved, the more profound one becomes. Last season my writing brush was as one suddenly awakened out of lifelessness. Writing by its deep black ink in order to express that which I could not put into words. As before, you are very busy, so even one letter of response is like obtaining a glimpse of the moon when the rain ceases. If you have the same sighs of emotion, I dare beg that we exchange poems together. My plain letter is as substanceless as the false jade of Yan, yet I of little talent dare present my clumsy poetry for you to inspect:

Poem 1: Rushing Orchids

Swiftly seize the sky-born sand—employ strength to survey the precarious peaks

Verdant and virescent cutting the early sun—fragrant orchids seeking

Surging swiftly upward above the summit, distant and dense breaking waves

Casting light on vista’s glory, facing a stretched out sandalwood sea

This floating life will not last, striving is like the dust blown by the wind. Natural law becomes the vista’s glory, the brightness of morning becomes long shadows, tall trees become dense waves, orchids and sandalwoods all float away. Instead of saying how pitiable it is, compared to an eternity lying down as a corpse, the fragrance which hurriedly rushes up is as white and beautiful as jade. The fleeting clouds of a single breath, how truly lovely and radiant, how impossible it is for it to linger! Please critically review my vulgar phrases, I await eagerly that you would grant me a response.

For nine autumns I haven’t seen you, tears falling on my robe, when the grain is in ear I will travel to Nantou; long and boundless is the road, without a man who is faithful through good and bad times. My good and honest friend, because I am unable to enjoy the scenery of Lin’an with you, the distance between us increases my painful state. Nevertheless I wish you happiness in poetry and good health. I wrote these few lines to connect our spirits in friendship, please bear with my mistakes.

Not one, Brother Wenxuan.


Thoughts in Cantonese: I Hope We Can Talk With Smiles Again


Thoughts in Cantonese Sep 12, 2022